My (Our) Journey
In my last post, 'The Temple,' I posted on how we are commanded by the Lord to take care of these bodies He has given us.
“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.”
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
I grew up not thinking so much about what I ate. I ate when and what I desired. And then, an incident happened that would change my life forever.
I am an animal lover, especially cats. I have kept them for many years. In the year 2007 a pet food recall happened. Over 2,000 cats and dogs died from it. It was reportedly caused by a retailer in China, who had laced the wheat gluten they were selling to pet food companies in the U.S. They had laced it with the plastic, melamine. The plastic would accumulate in the kidneys and cause kidney failure. I lost 3 of my cats. They died terrible deaths from it.
After this, I started wondering what was in the food that I was eating. What I found out scared me, chemicals, pesticides, hormones, etc. I started buying organic foods at that time (as much as possible). I had a tumor in my back at this time, that had been there for years and had continued to grow. Within one year of changing my eating habits, it started shrinking and then completely disappeared! It has never returned to this day. I was, and am sold on eating organic foods!
A couple of days ago, I ran across an article, which brought this all back to me. It talks of the correlation between produce, that has been sprayed with pesticides or grown with GMO's, causing cancer and other maladies. (click to read)...
Most people don't seem to care about what they are eating, and then are surprised when cancer or another illness hits them. Their first reaction seems to be to rely upon the medical profession for a cure, or to believe the Lord to heal them. My question is: "Why would the Lord heal you of something that you may be causing yourself, and will continue to cause?" He will hold you accountable, if you know and don't try to change. It's the same as with any sin, if you keep doing it, will He keep forgiving? Only He knows, but why take that chance? However, this scripture came to mind, after thinking about it.
"And Jesus said to her, "Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more." John 8:11
I am happy to say that I still am eating organic to this day, and I feel great for a 75 year old. I work at a full time job, and have a prayer ministry team with 45 members. I won't lie to you, I did have a lapse in eating organic at one time. Some nights when coming home from work, I would stop and get fast it was easier. I finally paid for it by getting the flu (viral and intestinal) twice, within 2 weeks of one another! I fell, due to being weak from this, and injured my back and my knee...and was out from my job for about 3 months! I recovered, and learned my lesson. I returned to my organic diet and haven't been sick since.
I am writing this in the hope that it will help you to also make this decision to be healthy. The Lord has pretty much commanded it. He needs us to reach others with the Good News of Jesus, that they may be saved. Time is short...we can see it almost every day on the news. Will you stand before Him ashamed, or excited because you did what He wanted and needed you to do? It's your choice.
"...that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish." Ephesians 5:27
If you need more information, you can reach me by going to our Alpha Prayer Amazing Health webpage and fill out the form at the bottom of the page.
"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." 3 John 1:2
I have retitled this post "Our Journey," as it is the journey that all of us should take.
God bless,
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