Will You Be at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb?
"...just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to Himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. Ephesians 5:25-27
Do you know Jesus as Lord and Savior?
If you do, you will be at this unprecedented event in Heaven! It will be the celebration of Jesus becoming one (as He and the Father are one) with the "Bride" that He gave His life for. "She" (he/she) will be His constant companion, confidant, best friend, and the love of His life for all eternity.
As mentioned in the scripture above, "she" will be without spot or wrinkle...perfect. Do you feel less than perfect right now? He's still working on you. Like the potter molding his pot on the potter's wheel, you are being shaped to perfection. If you are going through trials right now, know that they are forming you into that perfect person who will someday become perfect, like Jesus. Welcome the trials, learn from them, and trust Him always to not give you any more than you can bear.
He loves you so much, that He gave His life for you. He wants the best for you...don't ever doubt that. When His "Bride" has made herself perfect, He will come to take her away from all her troubles and pain...to a place where joy and peace reign.
If you don't know Jesus, there is still time. Ask Him into your heart and life. Tell Him that He is all that matters in your life. If you truly mean it, He will not ignore you. In fact, He is actually waiting for you to accept His gift (of dying for you), so that you may spend eternity in Paradise with Him and Father God. Read the Bible (His Word) to get to know Him better. The things that He said are unchanging truth and will always remain. You cannot have access to the Almighty and Holy Father God, without coming through His Son, Jesus (Yeshua).
For those of us who are already Christians and know Jesus as our Lord and Savior, remember that Jesus sees all that is going on. He hears every word spoken and knows what is in our hearts and thoughts. How then should we be living our lives? Will we be found without spot or wrinkle when He comes for us...or will we be 'Left Behind?' It's our choice. We can choose to live as He teaches in the Holy Bible, or we can go our own way (and fulfill the purposes of the 'enemy' of our souls and all that is good) that leads to eternal separation from the Lord. If you are feeling the need to make things right with the Lord, ask for His forgiveness and "go, and sin no more." He is faithful to forgive us if we turn from our wicked ways.
"Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!"
Hope to see you at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb!
God bless,
Alpha Prayer International
Website: https://www.alphaprayer.com
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