
Lord, I'm Busy Right Now

  Are you called by the Lord for ministry? Or perhaps you feel an urging from Him to do something for someone else, or have many family obligations? Whatever it may be, are there times when you just don't feel that you have the time to do what the Lord has called you to do? Do you put the task He called you for aside, and say to yourself, " He will understand, I just don't have time...I have too many important things to do right now." I have just gone through a period of time like this. My sweet little kitty, Noel, was not doing well. Taking care of her was a struggle and challenge. I found myself putting aside the ministry that He has called me for, and felt that He would understand that I had to take care of Noel. Two days ago, the Holy Spirit dropped these truths into my spirit...that the enemy has been using Noel's illness to keep me from what the Lord has called me to do. It was consuming my days and nights. I had been fighting the enemy pretty much on my own

Attacks on Israel

  The recent attacks on Israel are a signal that the end times may be progressing in significant events presently. Read Daniel 9:27. "This king (anti christ) will make a seven-year treaty with the people, but after half that time, he will break his pledge and stop the Jews from all their sacrifices and their offerings; then, as a climax to all his terrible deeds, the enemy shall utterly defile the sanctuary of God (he shall proclaim himself as god). But in God's time and plan, his judgment will be poured out upon this evil one." We must pray for the people of Israel, and those who are attacking them (we wrestle not against flesh & blood, but against principalities & powers in high places)...that is why the Lord has not raptured us as yet, He needs us to pray for lost souls. He is coming for us soon...He won't be early or late, but right on time! Always remember, God is on His Mighty Throne, and He is still in control. Nothing happens without Him allowing it fo

The Covenant

  The Lord has given many promises to His children (redeemed Christians) in His Word (the Bible). However, it seems that for some those promises are long delayed, even though they believe them, confess them, and trust that they will happen. Why? I believe that the Lord has given me an answer to this. In His Word, He speaks of a covenant between He and the Jews who believed... "You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles' wings and brought you to Myself. Now if you obey Me fully and keep My covenant, then out of all nations you will be My treasured possession. Although the whole earth is Mine, you will be for Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation." Exodus 19:4-6 This is also a promise for redeemed Christians, who have been grafted into the position of being His chosen... "But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth praises of Him who has called you out of darkne


"Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect." Matthew 5:48 defines perfect as: ' conforming absolutely to the description or definition of an ideal type; faultless, flawless' So, to be perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect is to conform absolutely to how God is perfect. If we honestly ask ourselves, am I doing that? What will the answer be? Some may say, "Well, no one is perfect...that's why Jesus came and died for us." Why then, did He tell us to be perfect, even as God is perfect? I think that what this means is that yes, Jesus came and died for us, while we were yet sinners. We could not save ourselves. But He, the sinless, spotless lamb, was without sin and was the perfect sacrifice for us...wholly acceptable to our perfect Father God. To accept Jesus is to accept what He did and the price He paid for us. We were washed clean of our sins. But sometimes we may continue to sin and have trouble with certain things in ou


I don't know of anyone, who is a true Christian, that isn't looking forward to the Rapture! As this world grows darker, our hope of Jesus rescuing us from the horrors to come grows even stronger. We wait, wondering how much longer we can endure all of this. But what if I told you that there could be a chance that you might be 'left behind' because of something you have neglected? You might scoff, saying that once saved, always saved...right? This morning, as I was waking up from a great sleep last night, a scripture popped in my head. I knew it was the Holy Spirit, as He does this when I first wake up and have no thoughts of my own forming in my head yet. This is the scripture... "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." 1 Corinthians 6:19 You may say, I don't do any bad things with my body. I don&


The definition of Rhema (according to is:  'According to the venerable Strong's Concordance (#G4487), Rhema means an utterance (individually, collectively or specifically) on a particular matter or topic. Thayer's Greek Definitions defines the word as something that has been uttered, in either the past or the present, by a living entity.' Lately, I have had an even greater concern over the chemicals that are presently in our (and our pet's) food and water...  I have been an advocate of organic foods for years now, and have done my best to ensure a healthy diet for both myself and my pet cats. Unfortunately, it has come to my attention lately that despite doing my best to buy the healthiest foods that I can, this is not enough now. It is my understanding, from multiple sources, that chemicals are presently in our food chain (even organic sometimes) through them making their way into the soil, water, and the air we breathe. PFAs (forever chemicals) are

My (Our) Journey

  In my last post, 'The Temple,' I posted on how we are commanded by the Lord to take care of these bodies He has given us. “ Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 I grew up not thinking so much about what I ate. I ate when and what I desired. And then, an incident happened that would change my life forever. I am an animal lover, especially cats. I have kept them for many years. In the year 2007 a pet food recall happened. Over 2,000 cats and dogs died from it. It was reportedly caused by a retailer in China, who had laced the wheat gluten they were selling to pet food companies in the U.S. They had laced it with the plastic, melamine. The plastic would accumulate in the kidneys and cause kidney failure. I lost 3 of my cats. They died terrible deaths from it.  After this, I started wondering wh